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A lot of tourist like to do shopping in Thailand in shopping center or in the (innumerables) stalls on the street of touristic zone. I buy some things there and i think to do a good thing if i write here my experience to guide you in your shopping!! First rule: VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! In thailand you must contract the price, ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE, also in the pharmacy.. and it's not an exaggeration, it's the true!!! Also in pharmacy and i the shopping center you must contract the price! The place where to contract is more important is on the stalls. Seller have all a calculator where indicate you the price for the goods that you want... the initial price is very high, sometimes 7-8 times the real price! If you don't like the price, the seller will give you the calculator and invite you to write the price that you want to pay. So you can exaggerate and write a real small price... If you know the minimum price that you can buy goods (you can know it with your experience or you can read those page...) write that price and don't move from it! Seller will insist a lot, but the secret is don't give in!!! Not all seller accept your propose, but there are A LOT of stalls, market... so.... As i write, usually tourist buy gods in stalls in the streets or in the shopping center, the most famous is MBK in Bangkok. In MBK, like in other shopping center, the price is not so high and you can't contract a lot, but not for this reason your shopping will be expansive. For example in shopping center you can buy a 100 a goods that seller propose you at 130... the same good in a stall is proposed at 600 and you can buy it also for 100... 100!). Per quanto fornito sia un centro commerciale come l'mbk molte cose che vendono le bancarelle non sono in vendita la dentro, vale però anche il discorso inverso. Diciamo in linea generale che sulle bancarelle si trovano più generi di "bassa lega" e sul centro commerciale le cose più "belline" ad esempio le scarpe taroccate di D&G sulle bancarelle non le ho mai viste, come alcuni particolari accendini che ci sono su una banacarella su 3, all'mbk scarseggiavano. Fuori da Bangkok ci sono centri commerciali, sia a phuket che in altri luoghi di villeggiatura, ma non è nulla di paragonabile.... quindii se non andate a Bangkok siete quasi costretti ad andare sulle bancarelle. Ci sono anche negozi "ufficiali" che vendono merce di marca "vera". I prezzi sono molto simili ai nostri europei. In questo caso c'è da considerare il "vat refund", ovvero il rimborso dell'iva. Cosa comperare e quanto pagare (aggiornato 01/2013)
This site was last updated 03/17/13 |