Disclaimer: I don't speak and write english
very well... but i like to communicate with all the world, so i try to translate
some page of my site. I hope that you can understand what i want to say and you
don't dwell in my mistake!!!!
Now i write about a very long day... the day of come back... The airplane plain to start at 20.45 and the bus from the hotel to the airport plain to pass at 16.00 and we organize the day... We prepare the luggage, shower and after 100 different advice about the export of picture that i buied in havana i decide to hide it inside my luggage, but it's too big, so i need to cut internally my luggage, hide the picture inside, close the luggage and hope that no one want to say nothing about it in the airport. Someone tell me that is nt possible to export it, other people tell me thst i must pay a tax, other people say taht there is not problem... i pay a lot the picture and i don't want to take risk! After plain all we go to the hotel hall and we say this!
AAAAArrrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now? is afternoon, the luggage is close... if we know it before we can go to beach thsi afternoon!!!!!!!! And now, what we can do???? We walk inside the desert.... emh... the city... dinner... say goodbye to everyone.. and we take the bus for the airport! We arrive in the airport and at 3.30 someone call me... ARGHH!!! The picture!!!!!! everything i do with my luggage was useless... they however watch inside the luggage with the scanner. I go in the police station of the airport, the policeman order me to open the luggage, open the picture and control all of it, then help me to re-sistemate the picture inside the luggage, put some stamp in a papaer and say me thet there is no problem.... fiuuu :)) The flight start at 5 and after 11 hours ve arrive in Milan ... and it's 20.30... arrive all the luggage of passenger, but my luggage doesn't arrive. I wait 2 hours and then i go to police to denounce it. i write a lot of paper and when i end to do it, the phone of policeman ring and someone advert him that my luggage is ok and is in the airplane! Ok, i take it, and after 3 hours travel with my car, i arrive at home!!!