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Jacqui's Story

E' la domenica mattina del 19 settembre  1999 e Jaqueline Sabudrio di 20 anni sta rincasando da una festa con altri 3 amici. Reggie Stephey, un famosoo calciatore 18enne guidava ubriaco e si trovava nella medesima starda che percorreva Jaqueline e i suoi amici e in una buia strada della periferia di Austin in Texas il SUV di Reggie impattava contro la Oldsmobile. 2 passeggeri morirono sul colpo, gli altri necessitavano ovviamente di soccorsi. Dopo pochi minuti però, la oldsmobile si incendiò e Jaqueline era immobilizzata all'interno dell'auto. Riportava ustioni nel 60% del corpo e nessuno osava darle speranze di vita. Jaqueline però ce la fece. Le sue mani erano talmente bruciate che non potrà più recuperarne l'uso, perse i capelli, le orecchie, il naso e buona parte della vista. Ebbe più di 40 operazioni dall'incidente e dovrà farne ancora molte.

Nle mese di giugno del 2001 Reggie Stephey fù incarcerato per l'omicidio colposo di 2 persone e per la tragedia di jaqueline. Fù condannato a 7 anni di reclusione e 20.000 dollari di multa.

Early on Sunday morning, September 19, 1999, Jacqueline Saburido, 20, and four friends were on their way home from a birthday party. Reggie Stephey, an 18-year-old star football player, was on his way home from drinking beer with some buddies. On a dark road on the outskirts of Austin, Texas, Reggie’s SUV veered into the Oldsmobile carrying Jacqui and the others. Two passengers in the car were killed at the scene and two were rescued. Within minutes, the car caught fire. Jacqui was pinned in the front seat on the passenger side. She was burned over 60% of her body; no one thought she could survive. But Jacqui lived. Her hands were so badly burned that she no longer can use them. She lost her hair, her ears, her nose, her left eyelid and much of her vision. She has had more than 40 operations since the crash and has many more to go.
In June 2001 Reggie Stephey was convicted of two counts of intoxication manslaughter for the deaths of Jacqui’s two friends. He was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined $20,000.

Picture of Jacqueline Saburido


Newspaper special report

Read the Austin American-Statesman special report


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